Author: Vanessa Vumbaca / Posts / Published: 18/9/2022
Become a Pumpkin Carving Pro With These 6 Quick and Easy Steps
Have you always wanted to try pumpkin carving for Halloween but never known where to start? Don’t wander around like a lost soul, we’ve made it simple for you with these easy to follow pumpkin carving steps.
Gourd luck and happy carving!
What you’ll need:
- Pumpkins
- Carving tools (You can purchase a carving set, or use a serrated knife or tool and spoon/scoop)
- Markers
- LED or pumpkin lights (optional)
Did you know? The jack-o-lantern comes from Irish mythology and was originally a carved turnip. The myth follows a man named Jack who tricked the Devil and upset God and so when he died, his spirit was cast out to roam the Earth forever with only burning coal inside a carved out turnip. People then placed their own version of the turnip lantern with carved scary faces (and later pumpkins when the tradition came to the US) and placed them in windows and near doors to ward away Jack and other wandering evil spirits.
Step 1. Wash and dry your pumpkins.
Step 2. Carve out a hole in the top.
Step 3. Using a scoop or spoon, empty out the inside or 'Scoop the Goop'.
(Discard, compost, or keep to use for ‘vomiting pumpkin’ designs).
Step 4. Take your marker and draw your design outline onto the pumpkin.
Step 5. Following your outline, start carving.
Tip: Get an adult to help you carve - pumpkins are tough and tools are sharp!
Step 6. Add your lights and/or additional decorations and they’re ready to add to the rest of your Halloween decorations.
Note: Carved pumpkins can rot within days. If you need your pumpkins to last, you can buy some Pumpkin Spray for preservation. An effective alternative to the spray is to soak them in a bucket of water/bleach solution (3 teaspoons of bleach to 11L of water) for 2 minutes, and then air dry.
And that’s really all there is to it. You can create any designs you imagine, or find some inspiration online to get your creative pumpkin juices flowing.
Author: Vanessa Vumbaca / Posts / Published: 10/9/2021